Friday, September 2, 2011


This is certainly my first post and I don't know if I could write anything on in particular. 

Maybe I just need to concentrate and type anything that I can think of. Ahahaha, so for sure my first post, I mean this one that you are reading is a not-interesting-kind-of-blog. But I guess this is me. I made this blog for me to be myself, once and for all.

I once read a book saying that most of us are wearing a certain mask, a mask that hides our true feelings, our true identity. And the writer of that book is right. I honestly confess to you that I am also wearing a mask, a mask that is really useful to me, for me to face the people around me, to face any problems and pain, to face the world.

Honestly, I am afraid of showing my real feelings, my real emotions to the people that surrounds me. I guess I am incapable of absorbing every criticisms they might say. I am certainly a loser pretending to be a winner. Pretending to be as good as everyone. I am just afraid of losing everyone that I love.

But I really want to be myself but I don't have the guts to do it. I am really a loser. A loser who is afraid of losing everyone he loves.

I want to throw the mask that I keep wearing for years. A mask that is now a hindrance for me to start over and be honest to the world.

But through this, I could be myself once more. I could be the person I keep hiding for years. I could be the one who loves myself, who loves my true nature, who loves every single part of my body. I believe this is it. There's nothing to hide now, there's nothing to be afraid of. I just need to be confident. Try.

And just like Amano Ichigo, I want to make the people around me smile!

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