Sunday, September 11, 2011


All of us have friends and they are important to us right?
And for that we truly care and we love them. The same love we feel towards our families. Friends are outsiders yet they understand us. They also care and love us. They make us happy.
Our friends are the people who completes a part of our lives. And having friends who really loves us is certainly an achievement. Because true friends are precious. 
I have had lots of friends. Some are now gone. They took the path they chose and live with it. But some are still there for me. Willing to be beside me all the time. Willing to accept me no matter what. That's why they are really important to me. Everyone of them is a part of my life. 
Sometimes I hurt them but they are still there to understand and forgive me. They fill my shortcomings and push me to the top. They are always prepared to support me every time. They really care for me and loves me the way I am. They can see through me and they are really transparent when it comes to their feelings that's why we understand each other better than the others could.  
They are the people who could bring out the best in me. They often try to give me pieces of advice when I have to make a decision. 
And I really love them. I'll do everything for them. I will do everything to make our friendship stronger than ever. I am their friend and they are to me. I love them.

"We may have some friends who betrayed us, but still they are our friends and we should always ready to forgive them. We need to understand them. We need to see through them. Our friends nourish us and help us. We learn through our experiences with them. They are parts of our lives and nothing could ever change that".

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